Cover Dem Scars Girl!

So I too just like most of the girls in their early twenties stress the fuck out. Not just about work or bills or that new pair of boots I must have, but everyday things too. Therefore, I’ve been on the hunt for years now to find the ultimate acne scar cover up.

You may be that girl who legit goes to sleep with her makeup on and still has never had a pimple in your life – well this post is not for you honey. However you too may have imperfections you want to cover!!

ANYWAY I have decided to go ahead and buy the “Glamoflauge” heavy duty concealer by Hard Candy from Walmart, because it runs cheaper than then on Amazon. I bought it for six bucks I believe, and it came with a shit concealer pencil as well. I decided to go with the light because I am very fair with yellow tones.

  • extremely good coverage
  • build-able
  • good tone

HOWEVER… I was disappointed to find out that this product started caking towards the end of the day at the salon. It sort of started just looking all smudged and spongy  looking where I had applied it, and I kept finding myself attempting to re-blend it in. It is a super heavy consistency so you can imagine trying to do a quick fix blend with your fingers in between clients.


3 thoughts on “Cover Dem Scars Girl!

  1. I really like the collection lasting perfection concealer-covers literally any type of imperfection! However, not sure if you can get it in the US!


  2. Reblogged this on and commented:
    I feel too much makeup can really take down your appearance. Use your natural given attributes and use them to your advantage. For example, someone says you have nice lips then don’t over use the lipstick, make it look more natural. Hey that’s my opinion, if other things worked for you go for it.


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